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Our Creator Studios

Tell your story and grow your startup.

Audio recording studio, Global Creator Studio, Google for Startups
Green screen with cameras, Overview, Campus Global, Creator Studio, Google for Startups

About the program

Creator Studios are state-of-the-art video and audio recording facilities that aim to level the playing field for startups and tech communities by giving them creative access to production tools.

Big or small—any startup can use a Creator Studio to produce high-quality media content, strengthening their online presence and increasing their visibility. Plus, it's free, so startups save on the cost of production.

Explore resources to get started

Explore studios around the world

Campus Madrid
Campus Seoul
Campus Tel Aviv
Campus Warsaw

Campus Madrid

Creator Studio, Campus Madrid, Google for Startups

Madrid Creator Studio

The studio is open. Book space now.

Our Creator Studio is a 35m² all-in-one space equipped with a high-performance iMac, easy-to-use podcasting systems, as well as green and white backdrops for filming.

Learn more about the studio

Campus Seoul

podcasting, Creator Studio, Campus Seoul, Google for Startups

Seoul Creator Studio

The studio is open. Book space now.

The Creator Studio is equipped with high-end production equipment, including cameras, lights, a green screen, podcasting equipment, standing set, and editing suite.

Learn more about the studio

Campus Tel Aviv

Green screen room, Creator Studio, Campus Tel Aviv, Google for Startups

Tel Aviv Creator Studio

The studio is open. Book space now.

The Creator Studio is a 65m² space with high-end production equipment. A glass partition for full visibility or a curtain for privacy divides the production spaces. Enjoy access to both high-end video and audio suites.

Learn more about the studio

Campus Warsaw

Editing room, Creator Studio, Campus Warsaw, Google for Startups

Warsaw Creator Studio

The studio is closed until further notice.

Our Creator Studio is a 75m² space with a green screen and standing set, video editing suite, and an audio production room for podcasting.

Learn more about the studio

Studio rules and capabilities

  • Who can use the studios

    • Our Creator Studios are primarily for the Campus alumni community
    • We also welcome members of the broader Google for Startups community
  • Production capabilities

    • Podcasts
    • Product explainers
    • Voiceovers
    • Physical product showcases
    • Screen capture tutorials
    • Video interviews
    • Studio photography
    • Post-production video and audio editing